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USMLE-STEP-2 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

A 33-year-old woman experiences visions of flashing lights followed by throbbing left-sided temporal pain and nausea. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. tension headache

B. transient ischemic attack (TIA)

C. temporal arteritis

D. migraine headache

E. cluster headache

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 5

A 4-year-old girl presents to the emergency department with fever and a petechial rash. A sepsis workup is performed, and IV antibiotics are administered. Gram-negative diplococci are identified in the CSF. Which of the following is true of this condition?

A. Antibiotic prophylaxis of fellow daycare attendees is not necessary.

B. The most common neurologic residual is seizures.

C. The presence of meningitis decreases the survival rate.

D. Shock is the usual cause of death.

E. Vancomycin administered intravenously is the treatment of choice.

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Questions 6

Repeated thunderstorms have resulted in overflow of municipal wastewater treatment plants by floodwaters. Volunteer sandbaggers downstream from the plants developed health concerns when the overflow became evident. As a public health officer you are asked to evaluate the situation. Which of the following is your most important recommendation to workers in order to prevent illness from exposure to the contaminated water?

A. Do careful hand washing before meals and cigarette smoke breaks.

B. Boil all water that is to be used for drinking or cooking.

C. Offer hepatitis A vaccinations to al work crews prior to the next disaster.

D. Start prophylaxis with a broad-spectrum antibiotic for all workers who do not have a contraindication.

E. Offer oral polio vaccine to all eligible workers.

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 7

A worker complains of paresthesias, numbness, and tingling that started distally in the lower extremities but that is starting to affect his hands. He is developing muscle weakness. He feels tired, and has a headache and complains of memory deficit. Electromyographic abnormalities suggest axonal degeneration and demyelination. Exposure to which of the following is the most suspect cause of this clinical picture?

A. lead

B. benzene

C. zinc

D. carbon disulfide

E. vibration

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 8

Select the appropriate incubation period of the Pertussis infectious disease of childhood.

A. 16 days

B. 78 days

C. 810 days

D. 1021 days

E. 3050 days

F. 120180 days

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 9

You are reviewing a cohort (follow-up) study to determine whether dietary fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer. In the study, the population at risk at the beginning of the follow-up period should consist of which of the following?

A. persons who all have diagnosed disease

B. persons with diverse exposure levels and disease

C. persons of comparable age, gender, and race

D. persons with homogeneous disease probability

E. persons who are susceptible but free of disease

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 10

You see a young mother whose child is in need of medical care. She has an income below the federal poverty level. She is eligible to receive cash payments under the Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI). As she has no health insurance, you ask a social worker to help her enroll in a program funded with state and federal tax dollars, which provides complete medical care for her child. You ask that she be enrolled in which of the following programs?

A. Medicaid

B. Medicare

C. Blue Cross/Blue Shield

D. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

E. Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC)

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 11

The USPSTF made recommendations for screening mammography and clinical breast examination every 12 years for women aged 40 years and older. Which of the following is the best explanation for why routine screening mammography was not recommended for women in the general population under 40 years of age?

A. Screening mammography in women less than 40 is not as sensitive as in those over 40.

B. Screening mammography in women less than 40 is more difficult due to tissue density.

C. Women under the age of 40 are still likely to have high estrogen levels.

D. Breast self-examination in the younger group is more sensitive in detecting cancers than mammography.

E. The benefit of detecting cancers in the younger age group was outweighed by the risks screening caused in that age group.

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 12

A 70-year-old man is brought to his primary care doctor by the man's son. According to his son, who had not seen his father for about a year, the father seemed to have some personality changes. He was no longer interested in his hobbies and seemed apathetic. He seemed to forget easily, and he repeatedly asked the same already answered questions. On at least two occasions, the father wandered out of the house and was found by neighbors, who thought he was confused. Considering the information learned thus far, which of the following medications would be the most appropriate treatment here?

A. donepezil

B. fluoxetine

C. aspirin

D. amitriptyline

E. ginkgo biloba

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 13

Identify the following personality disorders with the symptoms listed below. Preoccupied with feelings of superstitiousness; has a sixth sense; seems odd

A. antisocial

B. avoidant

C. borderline

D. dependent

E. histrionic

F. narcissistic

G. obsessive-compulsive

H. paranoid

I. schizoid

J. schizotypal

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 14

Identify the following personality disorders with the symptoms listed below. Unwilling to take personal risks; perceives self as inept, unappealing, inferior

A. antisocial

B. avoidant

C. borderline

D. dependent

E. histrionic

F. narcissistic

G. obsessive-compulsive

H. paranoid

I. schizoid

J. schizotypal

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 15

A30-year-old man presents with sudden onset of severe epigastric pain 6 hours ago. Examination reveals

a low-grade fever, tender abdomen throughout, with rigidity of the abdominal usculature.

Abdominal roentgenograms show pneumoperitoneum.

For the above patient with abdominal pain, select the most likely diagnosis.

A. gastroenteritis

B. regional enteritis

C. acute appendicitis

D. perforated peptic ulcer

E. sigmoid diverticulitis

F. acute pancreatitis

G. acute cholecystitis

H. superior mesenteric artery embolism

I. ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm

J. ruptured ovarian cyst

K. cecal volvulus

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 16

A 75-year-old woman is brought to the emergency department from a nursing home for abdominal pain, distention, and obstipation over the last 2 days. Past history is pertinent for stroke, diabetes, atrial fibrillation, and chronic constipation. Examination reveals a temperature of 98.6°F, pulse rate 90/min and irregularly irregular, and BP 160/90 mmHg. Heart examination reveals irregularly irregular rhythm with no murmurs; lung examination reveals few bibasilar rales; and abdominal examination reveals a distended, tympanic abdomen with mild tenderness and no rebound tenderness. Plain abdominal x-rays reveal dilated loops of bowel, and a barium enema is obtained and shown in the figure below.

Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management following NG tube decompression and resuscitation?

A. urgent sigmoid resection

B. nonoperative reduction by proctoscopy and rectal tube

C. proximal colostomy

D. urgent operative detorsion

E. nonoperative reduction by passage of well-lubricated rectal tube

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 17

A 45-year-old man presents to the physician's office for evaluation of a skin lesion on his abdomen. He states that the lesion has been present for 1 year, but has recently enlarged over the last 2 months. The mass is nontender, and he is otherwise asymptomatic. Past history is unremarkable. Examination reveals a 3-cm, pigmented, irregular skin lesion located in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen, as shown in Figure. Heart, lung, and abdominal examination are normal. There are no palpable cervical, axillary, or inguinal lymph nodes. Chest x-ray and liver function tests are normal.

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

A. squamous cell carcinoma

B. basal cell carcinoma

C. Merkel cell carcinoma

D. melanoma

E. keratoacanthoma

Browse 738 Q&As
Questions 18

A 30-year-old man presents to the emergency department with sudden onset of severe epigastric pain and vomiting 3 hours ago. He reports a 6-month history of chronic epigastric pain occurring nearly every day and relieved by antacids. On examination, he appears sweaty and avoids movement. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 100°F, BP of 100/60 mmHg, pulse rate of 110/min, and respiratory rate of 12/min. The remainder of his examination reveals diminished bowel sounds and a markedly tender and rigid abdomen.

A chest x-ray and abdominal films reveal pneumoperitoneum

Which of the following is the most appropriate next diagnostic test?

A. CT scan

B. UGI water-soluble contrast study

C. lower GI water-soluble contrast study

D. abdominal ultrasound

E. none of the above

Browse 738 Q&As
Exam Code: USMLE-STEP-2
Exam Name: United States Medical Licensing Step 2
Last Update: Apr 19, 2024
Questions: 738 Q&As





