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NCLEX-RN Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

The day following his admission, the nurse sits down by a male client on the sofa in the dayroom. He was admitted for depression and thoughts of suicide. He looks at the nurse and says, "My life is so bad no one can do anything to help me." The most helpful initial response by the nurse would be:

A. "It concerns me that you feel so badly when you have so many positive things in your life."

B. "It will take a few weeks for you to feel better, so you need to be patient."

C. "You are telling me that you are feeling hopeless at this point?"

D. "Let's play cards with some of the other clients to get your mind off your problems for now."

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Questions 5

Which of the following would have the physiological effect of decreasing intracranial pressure (ICP)?

A. Increased core body temperature

B. Decreased serum osmolality

C. Administration of hypo-osmolar fluids

D. Decreased PaCO2

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Questions 6

A complication for which the nurse should be alert following a liver biopsy is:

A. Hepatic coma

B. Jaundice

C. Ascites

D. Shock

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Questions 7

At 38 weeks' gestation, a client is in active labor. She is using her Lamaze breathing techniques. The RN is coaching her breathing and encouraging her to relax and work with her contractions. Which one of the following complaints by the client will alert the RN that she is beginning to hyperventilate with her breathing?

A. "I am cold."

B. "I have a backache."

C. "I feel dizzy."

D. "I am nauseous."

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Questions 8

A 17-year-old client has a T-4 spinal cord injury. At present, he is learning to catheterize himself. When he says, "This is too much trouble. I would rather just have a Foley.'' An appropriate response for the RN teaching him would be:

A. "I know. It is a lot to learn. In the long run, though, you will be able to reduce infections if you do an intermittent catheterization program.''

B. "It is not too much trouble. This is the best way to manage urination.''

C. "OK. I'll ask your physician if we can replace the Foley.''

D. "You need to learn this because your doctor ordered it.''

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Questions 9

A 50-year-old depressed client has recently lost his job. He has been reluctant to leave his hospital room. Nursing care would include:

A. Forcing the client to attend all unit activities

B. Encouraging the client to discuss why he is so sad

C. Monitoring elimination patterns

D. Providing sensory stimulation

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Questions 10

A 14-year-old client has a history of lying, stealing, and destruction of property. Personal items of peers have been found missing. After group therapy, a peer approaches the nurse to report that he has seen the 14- year-old with some of the

missing items. The best response of the nurse is to:

A. Request that he explain to the group why he took personal items from peers

B. Approach him when he is alone to inquire about his involvement in the incident

C. Imply to him that you doubt his involvement in the incident and request his denial

D. Confront him openly in group and request an apology

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Questions 11

In working with mental health clients who are prescribed medication that must be taken on a routine basis, it is important for education to begin when the drug therapy is initiated. One of the first steps in the teaching process is to:

A. Explain the side effects of the medication

B. Discuss the danger of overmedication

C. Distribute written material to supplement verbal instructions

D. Explore the client's perception regarding medication therapy

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Questions 12

A 15-year-old client is admitted to the adolescent unit. The nurse recognizes that encouraging a client to speak openly depends on how clearly questions are phrased. Which of the following statements is most desirable in eliciting information from an adolescent client?

A. "Do you get along well with your family?"

B. "Do you communicate with your parents?"

C. "You don't hate your family, do you?"

D. "What is it like between you and your family?"

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Questions 13

A male client has heart failure. He has been instructed to gradually increase his activities. Which signs and symptoms of worsening heart failure should the nurse tell him to watch for that would indicate a need for him to lower his activity level?

A. Pain in his legs when he walks

B. Thirst, weight loss, and polyuria

C. Drowsiness and lethargy after his activities

D. Weight gain, edema in his lower extremities, and shortness of breath

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Questions 14

A term neonate has experienced no distress at birth and has an Apgar score of 9. Her mother has asked to breastfeed her following delivery. Immediately after birth, the neonate was most susceptible to heat loss. The most appropriate intervention to conserve heat loss and promote bonding is to:

A. Place her under the radiant warmer

B. Dry her with blankets

C. Place her to her mother's breast

D. Place her on a heated pad

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Questions 15

A female client at 37 weeks' gestation has just undergone a nonstress test. The results were two fetal movements with a corresponding increase in fetal heart rate (FHR) of 15 bpm lasting 15 seconds within a 20-minute period. Her results would be classified as:

A. Reactive; needs follow-up contraction stress test

B. Reactive; no contraction stress test required

C. Non-reactive; needs follow-up contraction stress test

D. Non-reactive; no contraction stress test required

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Questions 16

A pregnant client is having a nonstress test (NST). It is noted that the fetal heart beat rises 20 bpm, lasting 20 seconds, every time the fetus moves. The nurse explains that:

A. The test is inconclusive and should be repeated

B. Further testing is needed

C. The test is normal and the fetus is reacting appropriately

D. The fetus is distressed

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Questions 17

A child with celiac disease is being discharged from the hospital. The mother demonstrates knowledge of nutritional needs of her child when she is able to state the foods which are included in a:

A. Lactose-restricted diet

B. Gluten-restricted diet

C. Phenylalanine-restricted diet

D. Fat-restricted diet

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Questions 18

A child is to receive atropine 0.15 mg (1/400 g) as part of his preoperative medication. A vial containing atropine 0.4 mg (1/150 g)/mL is on hand. How much atropine should be given?

A. 0.06 mL

B. 0.38 mL

C. 2.7 mL

D. Information given insufficient to determine the amount of atropine to be administered

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Exam Code: NCLEX-RN
Exam Name: National Council Licensure Examination(NCLEX-RN)
Last Update:
Questions: 862 Q&As





