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NCE Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

According to Piaget's stages of moral judgment, a child younger than age ten will think which of the following is worse?

A. Someone who was trying to help his mother set the table and broke five dishes.

B. Someone who was stealing a cookie from the cookie jar when he wasn't allowed, and knocked over a cup that broke.

C. Someone who did not control the dog who jumped up on the table and pulled down a glass full of water, which broke.

D. Someone who accidentally dropped a dinner knife which could have hurt someone if they would have stepped on it.

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Questions 5

Kohlberg's theory of moral development has three progressive levels ending in:

A. personhood

B. sexual ambiguity

C. principled thought

D. self-realization

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Questions 6

John Bowlby is associated with:

A. career guidance

B. attachment and bonding

C. psychodrama D. holistic counseling

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Questions 7

Cross-cultural counseling:

A. Recognizes culture as a marginal factor in counseling.

B. Recognizes culture as a fundamental factor in counseling.

C. Is a consideration in some but not all counseling interventions.

D. All of the above

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Questions 8

In the United States, each socioeconomic group represents a different culture because they share:

A. similar tastes in the arts

B. educational levels

C. interest in religion

D. similar ideas, behaviors, and values

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Questions 9

Suppression and repression are different because:

A. suppression is involuntary

B. repression is involuntary

C. they are not different

D. repression is voluntary

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Questions 10

Which of the following would not be a part of a standard first counseling session with a therapist who was practicing client-centered counseling?

A. Introduction

B. Note-taking

C. Discussion

D. All of the above would be included

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Questions 11

Of the following, which is NOT a curative factor of group, as outlined by Yalom?

A. Universality

B. Instillation of hope

C. Intrapersonal learning

D. Group cohesiveness

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Questions 12

Holland's trait-factor theory matched which of the following together?

A. Gender traits with personality traits

B. Professional traits with earning power

C. Personality traits with job requirements

D. Personality traits with intelligence level

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Questions 13

The "fields and levels" approach to group career counseling uses one of the theories developed by which famous theorist?

A. Jung

B. Roe

C. Holland

D. None of the above

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Questions 14

Which of the following is not considered a subjective test?

A. Rorschach



D. None; all are subjective

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Questions 15

Reliability tells:

A. if a test measures what it says it measures.

B. how consistently a test measures an attribute.

C. if the client can be trusted.

D. where the counseling process should focus.

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Questions 16

An operational definition:

A. is deductive logic

B. can be measured on a Likert Scale

C. outlines a procedure

D. describes the purpose of an experiment

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Questions 17

Joannie is a part of a research experiment monitoring energy level and depression. She becomes pregnant and tells you that she has been very fatigued. Her tiredness is:

A. A dependent variable

B. An intervening variable

C. A correlate

D. All of the above

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Questions 18

A(n) _______ is a form of descriptive research and requires a return rate of 5057% to be accurate.

A. Case study

B. Observation

C. Survey

D. Analysis

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Exam Code: NCE
Exam Name: National Counselor Examination
Last Update: Apr 20, 2024
Questions: 100 Q&As





