Certbus > Linux Foundation > Kubernetes and Cloud Native > KCNA > KCNA Online Practice Questions and Answers

KCNA Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

To specify a Kubernetes object which language is used?


B. Go


D. Node

E. Python

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Questions 5

Which prometheus metric type represents a single number value that can increase and decrease over time?

A. Gauge

B. Histogram

C. Summary

D. Counter

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Questions 6

What Linux feature is used to provide isolation for containers?

A. Processes

B. Services

C. NetworkPolicy

D. Control groups

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Questions 7

In Kubernetes, what is considered the primary cluster data source?

A. etcd (pronounce: esty-d)

B. api server

C. kubelet

D. scheduler

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Questions 8

What is a benefits of Kubernetes federation?

A. Avoids scalability limits on pods and nodes

B. Creates highly available clusters in different regions

C. Low latency

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Questions 9

Which CNCF project is the dominant project with respect to container registries

A. Envoy

B. Harbor

C. Kubernetes

D. Rook

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Questions 10

Which of the following is an example of vertical scaling?

A. Using cluster autoscaler

B. Adding more resources (memory and/or cpu) to a kubernetes node

C. Adding more nodes to kubernetes cluster

D. Adding more replica pods to a deployment

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Questions 11

The Kubernetes API provides an interface for storing objects. Which of the following describes the type of objects stored by the Kubernetes API?

A. Containers




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Questions 12

Which kubernetes object do deployments use behind the scenes when they need to scale pods?


B. Deployment

C. Horizontal pod autoscaler

D. Api Scheduler

E. Replicasets

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Questions 13

The Kubernetes rolling update is used for __.

A. Updating a service

B. Scaling an application

C. Updating a deployment

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Questions 14

Which of the following is not a stop on the cloud native trailmap?

A. Microservices


C. Containerization

D. Software distribution

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Questions 15

Which of the following best describes the way kubernetes Role-based access control (RBAC) works?

A. Kubernetes does not do RBAC

B. Kubernetes RBAC states which users can perform which actions against which re- source

C. Kubernetes RBAC lists which operations on which resources are denied to users

D. Kubernetes RBAC is responsible for authenticating subjects such as users and groups

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Questions 16

What is the command used to scale the application?

A. kubectl run

B. kubectl explain

C. kubectl scale

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Questions 17

How to get the logs of the previously terminated nginx container from the web pod?

A. kubectl logs -p -c nginx web

B. kubectl logs nginx

C. kubectl logs -p -c web nginx

D. kubectl logs -f -c nginx web

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Questions 18

Which of the following is an advantage a cloud-native microservices application has over monolithic applications?

A. Cloud-native microservices applications tend to be faster and more responsive than monolithic applications.

B. Cloud-native microservice applications tend to be easier to troubleshoot.

C. Cloud-native microservice applications tend to be easier to scale and perform updates on.

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Exam Code: KCNA
Exam Name: Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA)
Last Update: Apr 23, 2024
Questions: 126 Q&As





