Certbus > Magento > Magento Certified Developer Plus > M70-201 > M70-201 Online Practice Questions and Answers

M70-201 Online Practice Questions and Answers

Questions 4

Which one of the following EAV attribute types may be used for layered navigation in native Magento?

A. Varchar

B. Enum

C. Option

D. Union

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Questions 5

Which two of the following methods can be used to load an entity's data from its configured data table? (Choose two)

A. $entityModel->loadEntity($id)

B. $entityModel->load($attributeValue, $attributeCode)

C. $entityModel->loadById($id)

D. $entityModel->loadEntity($attributeCode, $attributeValue)

E. $entityModel->load($id)

Browse 136 Q&As
Questions 6

How is the sort order in which total models collect their values specified?

A. The sort order is specified in the admin configuration under Sales > "Checkout Totals Sort Order".

B. The sort order is specified in the system configuration under global/sales/quote/totals/[total_code] with and nodes.

C. The sort order is defined by the module loading order as specified by the children of the modules/ [module_name]/depends configuration node.

D. The sort order is specified by the collect method in each total model.

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Questions 7

Which two EAV attribute fcontend_input types make use of source models?

A. Text

B. Textarea

C. Select

D. multiselect

E. Date

F. Gallery

Browse 136 Q&As
Questions 8

Which statement describes a model class that extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract?

A. The model class consists of properties and methods for storing and manipulating data retrieved via separate resource classes responsible for database operations.

B. The model class is responsible for loading the frontend layout templates and responding to page requests via its Action methods (for example, indexAction).

C. The model class does not encapsulate any logic except for logic providing access to the data loaded from the database.

D. The model class is primarily responsible for direct query operations such as retrieving and storing data and then rendering that data to the frontend view.

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Questions 9

Which of the following lines includes a payment method object?

A. $quote->getShippingAddress()->setPaymentMethod(isset($data['method']) ? $data['method'] :null); inside Mage_Checkout_Model_Type_Onepage

B. .public function setPayment(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Payment $payment) inside Mage_Sales_Model_Quote

C. $method = $this->getMethodlnstance(); inside Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Payment

D. $instance->set!nfoInstance($this); inside Mage_Payment_Model_Info

Browse 136 Q&As
Questions 10

Which class should you refer to in order to troubleshoot Website restriction issues?

A. Enterprise_WebsiteRestrictions_Model_Restriction

B. Enterprise_WebsiteRestrictions_Helper_Data

C. Enterprise_WebsiteRestrictions_Model_Mysql4_Restriction

D. Enterprise_WebsiteRestrictions_Model_Observer

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Questions 11

Given a grid interface that extends from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid, which of the following methods could you override to allow data to be loaded from a custom data collection?

A. _prepareDataModel

B. _prepareCollection

C. _initDataModel

D. _initGrid

Browse 136 Q&As
Questions 12

When the Magento configuration is being loaded, all the XML files in app/etc and the module registration files under app/etc/modules/ are loaded first. After that step, in which order are the following items loaded?


Configuration from the core_config_data DB table




The etc/config.xml of all active modules

A. 1, 3, 2

B. 3, 1, 2

C. 3, 2, 1

D. 1, 2, 3

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Questions 13

You want to filter a product collection so that it will return only SKUs 12 and 123. You will use a call to

$collection->addFieldToFilter('sku', );

Two of the following arrays could be used to complete that call correctly. Which two? (Choose two)

A. array('sku' => 12, 'sku' => 123)

B. array(array('eq' => 12), array('eq' => 123))

C. array(12 => true, 123 => true)

D. array(12, 123)

E. array(array('int' => 12), array('int' => 123))

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Questions 14

By enabling Flat catalog, you will ______________.

A. Speed up performance on the frontend

B. Speed up saving product on the backend

C. Simplify the product import process

D. Speed up loading product on the backend

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Questions 15

Which of the following methods will force an EAV resource collection model to include an attribute in its result set?

A. addAttributeToSelect($attribute);

B. getResource()->addAttribute($attribute);

C. addFieldToSelect($attribute);

D. getSelect()->from(`', $attribute);

E. addAttributeToCollection($attribute);

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Questions 16

Which of the following could be used to pass an object to a block method?

A. option method=nsetFoo">



D. It is not possible to pass an object to a block method via layout XML.

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Questions 17

The initial call to will create and return an instance of the specified class.

Subsequent calls to this method during the same execution cycle will return the same class instance as opposed to creating a new one.

A. Mage: :getResourceModel('namespace/modulename');

B. Mage:: get Instance ('name space/modulename');

C. Mage: :getModel( 'modulename/modelname') ;

D. Mage::getSingleton('modulename/modelname');

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Questions 18

Which entity collects the grand_total and base_grand_total that the different total models collect?

A. Sales/quote

B. Sales/quote_address

C. Sales/order

D. Checkout/cart

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Exam Code: M70-201
Exam Name: Magento Certified Developer Plus Exam
Last Update:
Questions: 136 Q&As





